The UK’s economy has become dependent on the half million or so temporary contractor workforce across all sectors ranging from the NHS to IT, and literally everything else in between, but with limited union support and no centralised or government body to turn to when they fall foul of abuse within their roles.
Our initial focus is directed towards the fact that tens of thousands of contractors each year are not being paid the Holiday Pay they are entitled to. Temporary contractors are, in the vast majority of roles, temporary employees, so they are entitled to Holiday Pay and the same legal rights just like traditional employees.
The BBC Radio 4 Moneybox programme highlighted earlier this year that the practice of withholding holiday pay is still happening and is widespread across the UK, with umbrellas and agencies being involved in the malpractice.
Around 2 million workers each year are not receiving an eye watering £3 billion per year in Holiday Pay, which is being pocketed by companies and treated as additional income.
The government has done nothing at all to stop this, Contractor Voice was made to increase awareness and lobby for a change in the law so that this immoral practice is stopped and to force the companies that have been involved in withholding Holiday Pay to pay what should have been paid.